Thursday, November 10, 2011

If we can change

Human is no exception. If we act with the most important heart cannot wish agree, so will the within opposition, success is far off. If a person is in pursuit of something, but in the heart and the conflict is black and white faith, that he will be in the point of inner turmoil.
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If we can change, growth and prosperity, have to clear yourself and others law, and at the same time do know measure success criteria. Otherwise, we're just a rich beggars. The final and most important factors, we call it values.
What is called values? In a nutshell, is what everyone be judge of the black and white belief system, is it lead us to pursue want things. All our behavior, is to realize our values, or it will feel that life is not complete, no significance.

 Values are about? It is very special, very emotional, is rooted in your beliefs, and environmental influences. When you were a child, parents will help you to foster values.
They their values position, in telling you what should do and what should see, what this shouldn't believe. If you follow them, it will be appreciated; If you have not heard their words, he was reprimanded, or even disciplined.
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Values will dominate our way of life, affect our all around the reaction. The implementation of the system values computer, although you can enter any material, but the computer whether to accept or operations, will have to see whether execution system is set up relevant program first. Values in the brain is we determine whether the execution of the system.
From the clothes you wear, open car, live in the house, the way to parenting, everything will be about the values. It is our live standard, is the release of our inner magic power the most important key, we rely on it to understand and determine their and their behavior.

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